Festival dos Eidos

651 184 408 https://eidosfest.com/ eidosfest@litfest.eu

Eidosfest is the annual core event of Uxio Novoneyra Foundation program on its headquarters at Courel mountains.Live music combined with poetry readings, live music, scenic arts, art exhibitions and filmmaking are part of the curated artistic programme. Festival dos Eidos brings a cultural avant-garde programme to this territory annually, involving local community and international agents, bringing attention to music, arts, heritage and environment.The event engaged community in an arts festival which enhances the territory, for its environmental and cultural values and a global outlook.Eidosfest develops creative training programmes to engage with audiences -documentary making, land art, sketching, involved local and external audiences from different socio economic backgrounds, shaped and encouraged intercultural experiences to our audience. Audience Award Culturgal 2019
Music promoters: Fundación Uxío Novoneyra
Establishment year: 2015
Periodicity: annual
Duration: 3-5 days
Place of celebration: Fundación Uxío Novoneyra
Approximate dates of celebration: August 23th-25th, 2024