Creator and artist from A Coruña with an extensive career in the ethnographic field and root music, Xurxo Fernandes was trained from a very young age in traditional dance and singing, both in a self-taught way and through direct contact with sources of popular wisdom. In 1994, his curiosity led him to start an investigation based on recollections from Galician villages, that he kept for over more than two decades, besides those found in countries of the former Ottoman Empire. This fieldwork gives the artist a profound worldview of the Galician and Sephardic oral tradition."Levaino!" (2021), his first solo album, represents that duality that Xurxo Fernandes conveys. It is a revealing set of mirrors where Galicia and the East are reflected, and which the artist expresses, for the first time, in this suggestive work. The Galician oral tradition, followed by an instrument as representative as the tambourine, is the basis and meeting point for sound creations that draw on other traditions, along with modern arrangements and instruments that are naturally introduced.In “Levaino!”, we will find tracks recollected by the artist himself in Coristanco, Samakov, A Mezquita, Salihli, Tordoia, Larache ou Tel Aviv. Twelve little-known soundscapes beginning in the Eastern Mediterranean and ending in Galicia, reflecting and manifesting the links between both cultures and oral traditions.
Mirmidón Producciones 667 706 241 maruchy.mirmidon@gmail.com