Ruxe Ruxe is undoubtedly the reference band of Galician rock. After 23 years of experience, 11 LPs in the market and more than two hundred original songs published, they are at their best. With renewed energy, they launch their new album, "O estraño falar dun monstro da aldea" (2020) in February 2020, recorded at Garate Studios in Andoain (Guipúzcoa) with Kaki Arkarazo.Ruxe Ruxe is one of the most legendary Galician bands on its own rights, moving outside the great powers of culture, fashion and the politically correct. With the spirit of fighting as their creed, of the rock of the country, of free rock and of combat, of magical realism and of the sincere, direct and emotional melee sincere, the core of Ruxe Ruxe’s is evident in each album released and in each concert they gave since its beginning in 1996.Ruxe Ruxe was, is and will be a cult band. His songs are soundtrack in movies, TV commercials and sports programs, and are already part of the collective memory of a parish of Galicians who always gives them their love, admiration and respect. They played in countless festivals in the country and their tours uninterruptedly took them through the best stages, beyond our borders too, always with very good reception by both the public and the critics. They collaborated with bands like Boikot or Siniestro Total and have shared stage with Molotov, Gwendal, Wolfstone, Status Quo, Recurring or Def con Dos, among others.
Luneda ProduciónsAitana Cuétara (+34) 646 165 044 aitana@luneda.gal