Encordass Fiddle Fest

652 620 005 https://encordassfiddlefest.com/ eff@galiciafiddle.com

Encordass Fiddle Fest, a magical musical journey with the violin as the guiding thread on San Simón Island and its inlet.The festival explores the connections of popular music in different cultures, mixing international artists with Galician music in a wonderful natural space.More than 40 concerts in an intimate and acoustic format where proximity to the stage prevails, besides music workshops, gastronomy, traditional dance, children's programming, boat trips, and nature.On the island, the proposal is an island with history full of music simultaneously, as well as a guided tour. In the inlet, hiking routes and micro concerts in nature.
Music promoters: Galicia Fiddle Asociación Cultural
Establishment year: 2021
Periodicity: Annual
Duration: Ford days
Place of celebration: Illa San Simón e Enseada
Approximate dates of celebration: 26th June - 6th July